Vol. 35, no. 4

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Abstracts are hyperlinked

Editorial Note

Sandie Holguín and Jennifer J. Davis, Showcases of Empire, Epistemic Transformations, and the
Contours of Resistance


Jennifer Bowers, “First in the Field”: Fashioning the Singular Identity of Harriet Boyd Hawes, Groundbreaking American Archaeologist

Agnès Garcia-Ventura, Collecting Antiquities and Networking as Feminist Activity at the Beginning of the
Twentieth Century: An Approach through Isabel F. Dodd (1857–1943)

Marta V. Vicente, Trans Visual Narratives: Representing Gender and Nature in Early Modern Europe (open access for one month)

Karol Kovalovich Weaver, “Her Infant at Her Breast”: Breastfeeding as Survival and Resistance in Colonial

Stephanie Mahin and Lois A. Boynton, Woman’s Era: A Catalyst for Literary Activism and the Social Evolution of Nineteenth-Century Black Clubwomen (open access for one month)

Verónica Castillo-Muñoz, “The Caravan of Death”: Women, Refugee Camps, and Family Separations in the
US–Mexico Borderlands, 1910–1920

Book Review Essays

Black Women and the Black Freedom Struggle, Dwonna Naomi Goldstone

  • Mary-Elizabeth B. Murphy, Jim Crow Capital: Women and Black Freedom Struggles in Washington, D.C., 1920–1945.
  • Rebecca Tuuri, Strategic Sisterhood: The National Council of Negro Women in the Black Freedom Struggle.

Did Women Have a Revolution?: Debating Labor and Politics in 20th Century China, Hung-Yok Ip

  • Robert Cliver, Red Silk: Class, Gender, and Revolution in China’s Yangzi Delta Silk Industry.
  • Gail Hershatter, Women and China’s Revolutions.
  • Wang Zheng, Finding Women in the State: A Socialist Feminist Revolution in the People’s Republic of China, 1949–1964.